Seleya ’ s Personal Log Star Date : 95647.96 By Grace Gunning
Cardasians , Cardasians ! All they seem to do is wreak havoc in The Federation . All they want to do is fight - I was fuming ! And I really don ’ t do that often … You know how Vulcans are anyway ( Batazoids don ’ t do that either ). This morning something wasn ’ t right ; I could just sense it . So , I said , “ Computer , locate captain Jean-Luc Picard .” It replied in its customary tone , “ Captain Jean-luc Picard is not on board .” I decided to check it out myself . I had a theory , “ If the captain isn ’ t on board , I bet the rest of the crew isn ’ t either .” To confirm , I checked out sickbay to see if the crew was there . Someone ’ s got to be there . As I thought , “ They ’ re always there ,” I saw no one . They ’ re gone . But to be absolutely sure , I went to the bridge . I bet someone ’ s there . Not the crew though ... on the bridge I found ... Cardasians . I , for one , am glad that my parents usually carry phasers , and that they had an extra just in case . The captain ( the Cardasians who took control of the ship ) noticed me .
“ What are you doing here you little ...” then he said other mean things which I will not share here to keep this log clean . So , if anyone were to read this , they would be spared of his horrid insults .
“ I can sense your emotions , so this does not come to me as a surprise .”
“ Oh really ?” said the Cardasian .
“ And by the way , I have this phaser set to kill ,” I said ( which was true ).
Art by Alyssa Franczak
“ Ha ! You think a little girl is going to stop me ?” the Cardasian said , proud of himself . “ Now where is the crew ?” I said harshly . “ I am afraid I don ’ t know ,” the Cardasian said sweetly . “ Oh you most certainly DO know , and it is illogical for you to play puny little games with me , as you can see it does not work ,” I said . “ I will not tell , not you ,” the Cardasian said meanly . “ I am prepared to fire this phaser if necessary . Today will be a very bad day for your people ... so tell me what I want to know , or I ’ ll find out .” “ A Cardasian does not crack ! Your attempts are useless .” “ Then perhaps I shall try another method ...”
“ Computer end program ,” said my Dad . “ Aww , Dad I was just getting to the good part !” “ No buts , Seleya , time for bed .” “ Alright , Goodnight Holodeck .”