Which “Stranger Things” character are you?
By: Arianna Vivolo
Question 1: What’s your favorite 80’s movie?
A) The Breakfast Club
B) The Princess Bride
C) The Goonies
D) Stand By Me
E) The Raiders of the Lost Ark
F) E.T.
Question 2: What’s your favorite thing about yourself?
A) Your courage
B) Your boldness
C) Your loyalty
D) Your leadership
E) Your kindness
F) Your intelligence
Question 3: Pick a Dungeons & Dragons class.
A) Druid
B) Ranger
C) Fighter
D) Sorcerer
E) Bard
F) Monk
Question 4: Which adult do you trust?
A) Joyce Byers
B) Chief Jim Hopper
C) Mr. Clarke
Question 5: The Demogorgon is coming right at
A) Find a safe place to hide
B) Swing at it with a baseball bat
C) Shoot at it with a wrist rocket
D) Come up with a plan to catch it offguard
E) Distract it with a quip
F) Fight it with your mind
Question 6: Which quote totally speaks to you?
A) “I wanna finish what we started”
B) “If anyone asks where I am, I’ve left the country”
C) “You shouldn’t like things because people tell you
you’re supposed to”
D) “Why are you keeping this curiosity door locked”
E) “Friends don’t lie”
F) “When do you feel good about anything?”
Question 7: And finally, who is your favorite stranger
things character?
A) Dustin Henderson
B) Lucas SinClair
C) Will Byers
D) Mike Wheeler
E) Eleven
F) Steve Harrington
Mostly A: Lucas
Mostly B: Will
Mostly C: Dustin
Mostly D: Steve
Mostly E: Eleven
Mostly F: Mike
Art by Jenny O’Connell
Photography by Kat Keen