St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1806 | Page 8

Prayers for the Sick Please take your Sunday Pew Sheet home (which provides names to add to your own prayer list) and assists you to remember the congregation who are unable to join the service due to illness or infirmity and also those whose anniversary falls during that week. Remember in your prayers the Scottish Episcopal Church, Bishop Gregor Duncan as he prepares for his retirement in Autumn 2018 and the ministers and priests of the local and wider community. FLOWERS We admire the floral displays on a Sunday and many are in memory of a loved one since past. Alicia Wood, (Mother of Gladys, Eva and Alicia). 24 August 1912 – 30 May 1998 Jim Dickson (Husband of Gladys and father of James and Andrew) 28 May 1939 – 25 June 2008 Flowers in memory of Fritzi, (much loved mother of Brigitte} 27 June 1902 - 4 June 1968 All are welcome to pop their donation into the Flower Tin. The contents are presented and blessed during the Offertory on a Sunday morning. Please include the details, name & anniversary date if your donation is to remember a loved one. Dorothy Nicholson Church of the Good Shepherd The Vestry of Church of the Good Shepherd, Hillington invites St Oswald’s congregation to join them on Saturday 30 June 2018 at 2 pm for their Thanksgiving Service, Buffet and Garden Party to celebrate the Restoration of the Church and Garden. Please sign the list at the back of the church before 10 June 2018 to provide numbers for catering purposes. 8