Vestry notes
The first full meeting of the Vestry in 2018 took place on Tuesday 6 February
2018 at 7:30pm and although plenty of discussion it concluded before nine
The Priest in Charge gave an in-depth report describing all the groups that
she is involved with.
She reiterated that St Oswald’s has raised its profile in the community and
how many more activities are now making use of the building. This is
pioneer work with community outreach and a welcome to all into the church
There are several noticeboards within the building and during April one will
be used to explain, in word and picture, what the Scottish Episcopal Church
(SEC) is.
This was last done at the Flower Festival, during Rev Isabel Dowlen’s time.
Not yesterday!
Dates were shared for inclusion in the diary as there are many events over
the next few months. Rev Lesley-ann will be seeking volunteers to
accompany her or attend as the representative of the congregation.
Meeting of 6 March 2018 is the Standing Committee members in the Vestry
Rooms at 7:30pm
Morag McHaffie
PS: You may have noticed that
one of our congregation has
been wearing bright yellow
lycra of a Sunday morning.
Well ….. we heard that Emily
had made a commitment and
signed up to complete 50 miles
in February 2018 “Race at Your
Own Pace”.
We hope she has been
successful in her conquest and
feels the benefit of all her hard
work (maybe she will write a
piece for next month’s