An Achievement?
Sadly, despite being in my seventh decade, I do not find reflecting on my life’s
achievements to be a particularly onerous or time-consuming activity.
Recently, I have spent a fair amount of time - in conjunction with other agencies
- in establishing an initiative which will shortly be operating in a community
facility less than one and a quarter miles from St Oswald’s.
So, what is this achievement and why the italics?
It’s because in the twenty-first century, in what is much vaunted as the sixth
richest country in the world, we are contributing to one of the few growth
industries in what is ludicrously referred to as our society.
We are opening another foodbank!
On reflection, isn’t that an achievement of which we should ALL be
thoroughly ashamed!
We admire the floral displays on a Sunday and many are in memory of a loved
one since past.
All are welcome to pop a donation into the Flower Tin. Please include the details,
name & anniversary date if your donation is to remember a loved one.
The tin with its contents are presented and blessed during the Offertory on a
Sunday morning.
Dorothy Nicholson
Prayers for the Sick
We hope you like the new style of Pew Sheet.
Please ensure you take it home with you because it
provides names to add to your own prayer list of those
who are unable to join the service due to illness or
infirmity and also those whose anniversary falls during
that week.
Remember in your prayers the Scottish Episcopal
Church, the ministers and priests of the local and wider