St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1802 | Page 8

From the Editor Well a Happy New Year to all the readers! Did you take up the challenge set in the last magazine to guess where in Glasgow and surrounding areas the photographic clues were taken? Here are answers: 1. “Winchers Stance”. The title of John Clinch’s bronze sculpture, situated inside Buchanan Bus Station, comes from the local slang word for kissing or courting, “winching.” It shows the idyllic scene of two young lovers coming together after some time and distance apart, a tear of joy rolling down the young woman’s cheek. Killermont St Bus Station now known as Buchanan Bus Station 2. Whitelee Windfarm located on Eaglesham Moor. Reopens 31 January 2018 and offers a café, visitors centre, bus tour of the windfarm, learning hub etc. 3. Princes Square, Buchanan Street 4. St Enoch’s Square with the station and hotel visible in this picture 5. The Subirachs Building, Howard Street See Page 14 for some more on this fascinating and little-known landmark. 6. Slater’s Suits or Menswear, Howard Street 7. Mill Building, Paisley Congratulations if you got them all correct. Morag The Editor Prayers for the Sick Please take your Sunday Pew Sheet home (which provides names to add to your own prayer list) and assists you to remember the congregation who are unable to join the service due to illness or infirmity and also those whose anniversary falls during that week. Remember in your prayers the Scottish Episcopal Church, the ministers and priests of the local and wider community. 8