Prayers for the Sick of St Oswald’s Church
Please take your Sunday Pew Sheet home (which
provides names to add to your own prayer list) and
assists you to remember the congregation who are
unable to join the service due to illness or infirmity and
also those whose anniversary falls during that week.
Remember in your prayers the Scottish Episcopal
Church, the ministers and priests of the local and wider
Remember those who will be alone at this Advent season
and drop them a letter or card which would be most welcome.
ALL MOST Quiet Advent Day at St Oswald’s
Saturday 9 December 2017, 10am – 3pm
Visit St Oswald’s, meet and make new friends, become the next Van
Gough – paint your very own canvas, (over 12 years old).
Welcome to family, friends and community. Socialise and share a snack
Linda Hardie
Sunday 10 December 2017
St Oswald’s Annual General Meeting will take place after the 10 am Sunday
service on 10 December 2017.
Anyone who wishes their apologies to
be recorded please contact myself or
Rev Lesley-ann.
Nomination forms will be available for
those of the congregation who would
wish to join the Vestry.
To keep the congregational roll and
address book up to date please
complete and return the form that will be
provided along with the reports and accounts and return to myself as soon
as possible.
Morag McHaffie
Vestry Secretary