no geographical boundaries, even if the CofS holds the parish line, it is one
now transcended by the internet, social media, ease of travel between
areas, and blended families living across towns and countries.
Ecumenism is taking the throne from sectarianism. Division is dead. Long
live diversity!!
It no longer makes any good sense to work separately, when our
communities need our prayers and comfort, Christian hospitality, and
provision for spiritual growth.
St Oswald’s is pioneering the ‘Community in Unity’ concept; our third year
Mission Action Plan. We shall be listening out for places and people within
our area (which is larger than you may think), and when appropriate we shall
be offering to host or help with community action or groups. Our visible
profile shall be one of generosity and hospitality. Just like our St Oswald.
The how, when, and why? Will reveal itself through prayer and good
communication by all of us, not just the priest.
We will no longer be hidden in plain sight; we are HERE! We are SEEN,
We are ST OSWALD’s Scottish Episcopal Church on the corner.
Every blessing
Lesley-ann +
Harvest Festival
As a congregation, we will celebrate our Harvest Festival on Sunday 1
October 2017 at 10 am.
Your donations will
be blessed and
Gifts of non-
perishable foodstuffs
will be delivered to
the local Foodbank.
Monetary gifts will
be donated to
Kaleidoscope, our
newest building
user, who offers support to children with additional needs.
StOM Page 4