St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1612 | Page 9

No problem, Joseph fished out his log-book and gave it to him, Pavel wrote down his name and address in Poland and they set off, homeward bound. “You fool”, said Joseph’s family, “that was the last you have seen of your car!” And Joseph nearly believed it too, but it was Christmas and he thought of them going home to their families with their presents in the boot. On January 7th, he stood on top of a ladder in his garden, cutting branches of his tree. It was 10 o’clock in the morning, and he saw his Renault coming around the corner and Pavel waving excitedly. Well, Joseph told his family afterwards, I really was surprised, I had not expected them before late afternoon! Brigitte Williams, (a real-life story by Hinning Sussebach retold) To All Clergy, Lay Readers, Vestry Secretaries and Treasurers, We have now been able to send the final cheque for the Bishop’s Lent Appeal to the Bethlehem Arab Society for Rehabilitation. It amounted to the wonderful total of £14, 123.55. So, once again, all over the Diocese, you have been hugely generous in your response. I am deeply grateful to and very proud of our Diocese. I thank you all as warmly as I possibly can. All blessings, Gregor + I would like to thank all members of the Vestry and congregation for your help at our Mothers Union Service and Meeting on Saturday 12 November 2016. We were made to feel so welcome and our service and meeting ran so well with your input. We really do appreciate all your hard work and hope perhaps to revisit to tell you more about the MU in our Diocese. Love and Best Wishes Jill Cameron. StOM Page 9