Bishop Gregor (GD) (Chair), Dean Ian Barcroft (IB), Synod
Clerk Shelley Marsh (SM), Provost Kelvin Holdsworth
(KH), Canon Missioner Revd. Canon Audrey Stewart (AS),
Diocesan Secretary Chris Zochowski (CZ) (Minute),
Diocesan Treasurer Bob Burgon (BB),
Gatehouse and Kirkcudbright – Revd. Stephen Hazlett instituted on
September 29.
Holy Trinity Kilmarnock – interviews are being arranged.
East End Team – Rev. Malcolm Crook instituted on August 27.
St. Paul and St. John, Monklands – New round of advertising beginning.
Good Shepherd, Hillington – Linkage with Holy Trinity and St. Barnabas
St. John’s Greenock – Vacancy advertised.
St. John’s Johnstone / St. Margaret’s Renfrew – Existing link to remain.
Rectories being surveyed by Diocesan Architect and further discussions
continuing regarding full time vacancy in due course.
St. Mary the Virgin, Port Glasgow – Diocesan Architect continues to work
with the vestry to resolve persistent roof problems.
Christ Church, Dalbeattie – Tower project now underway.
Good Shepherd, Hillington – Rectory work scheduled to start at Christmas.
Drainage issue – new firm of engineers appointed.
Holy Cross Knightswood – Diocesan Council have accepted an offer from
the current nursery for the building, in principle. Discussions are on-going
regarding the Garden of Remembrance.
St. Columba’s Largs – The Diocesan Property Committee have accepted a
new tender for a prayer labyrinth.
Charge Websites – Andrew Walker, Diocesan IT Officer has
delivered the first of his training courses in using WordPress for
new websites and maintaining existing websites. The next one will
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