St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1611 | Page 15

ROTA Sunday Nov 6 Sidespersons Intercessions Chalice Readers P Fleetwood J Robertson 3rd Sunday before Advent Paula & Jean Sunday Nov 13 Paula B Gallacher M Young Intercessions Chalice Priest Job 19: 23-27a 2 Thessalonians 2: 1-5, 13-17 Luke 20: 27-38 Flowers Sidespersons Readers G Anderson E Anderson Remembrance Sunday Robert & George Priest C Wilkie E Alldritt Priest Malachi 4:1-2a 2 Thessalonians 3: 6-13 Luke 21:5 - 19 Dorothy Flowers Freda Tea Sheila & Evelyn Tea Dorothy & Gladys Sunday Nov 20 Sidespersons Christ the King David & Brigitte Sunday Nov 27 Sidespersons 1st of Advent Sheila & George Intercessions Chalice Priest B Gallagher C Wilkie Intercessions Chalice Priest E Alldritt M Young Readers B Williams M Young Priest Jeremiah 23: 1 - 6 Colossians 1: 11-20 Luke 23: 33 - 43 Readers M McHaffie E Aldritt Priest Flowers Tea All (Wedding 19th) Jean & Brigitte Flowers Tea Sunday Dec 04 Sidespersons 2nd of Advent Paula & Jean Intercessions Chalice Priest C Wilkie B Gallagher Readers P Fleetwood R Thomas Priest Isaiah 11: 1-10 Romans 15: 4 - 13 Matthew 3:1 -1 2 Flowers Tea No Flowers Sheila & Evelyn Isaiah 2: 1 - 5 Roman 13: 11- 14 Matthew 24: 3644 No Flowers Colin & Freda If you are unavailable to carry out your duties on a specific Sunday, please arrange for a substitute. StOM Page 15