Church & State
This is not a turgid dissertation
on the topic of
disestablishmentarianism, but
just some more about St O’s
and its former neighbour, The
State Picture House.
The movie showing at The
State could hardly have been
more appropriate on the day
(19 June 1971) when Sheila
Saywood’s Dad walked her up
the path to St Oswald’s for her
As you can see, however,
the wedding car which
whisked Sheila and her
groom off to the reception
was not a Volkswagen
Beetle called Herbie!
Emerging as The new Mr &
Mrs George & Sheila Trotter,
the couple headed off in a
more conventional limo
watched by a crowd of local
It looks as though some
were waiting in keen
anticipation of the traditional
StOM Page 11