Sad News
It was with deep sadness that we heard of the passing of former St Oswald’s
member Eva Shimmons (nee Wood).
Due to work commitments Jack and Eva, and their family, moved to England
but they continued to visit St Oswald’s a couple of times per year. Their last
visit was in 2015.
Our condolences are with all family and friends.
There’s Life in the Old Dog Yet!
The New Year has started with a bang for St Oswald’s congregation.
The March magazine carried pictures of the Burn’s Supper which was
enjoyed by the crowds that filled the building.
Since then members of the congregation have been re-establishing St
Oswald’s links with the life of the Diocese.
The 19 and 20 February 2016 found attendance in Prestwick and St Mary’s
Cathedral Glasgow, meeting with and sharing fellowship with the Bishop and
representatives from other congregations across the Diocese. The event at
the Cathedral was lead by the Provost and Vice-Provost of the Cathedral
asked you to consider “who are we”?
The last four weeks have also seen St Oswald’s host the World Day of
Prayer with the local religious and wider community to share the service
written by the women of Cuba. There has also been Monday evening Lenten
Reflections which have allowed us to hear the observations of those
standing at the foot of the Cross.
By the time you receive this magazine a number of Baptisms will have taken
place on Easter Sunday and we offer a warm welcome to all.
The Spirit Moves in this Place!
PS: Don’t forget that on Sunday 24 April 2016 there will be NO SERVICE at
St Oswald’s but everyone is invited to St Aidan’s, Clarkston to celebrate
Holy Communion.
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