Please continue to pray for those of whom you are aware . We also bring to mind all who have been bereaved recently and those who have anniversaries of loss . May they find peace in the knowledge that death is not the end ; we have the promise of the eternal life through Christ Jesus .
Come all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest Matthew 11:28 THE RECTORY
Reverend Lesley-ann and Ashley are very happy to receive visitors to the rectory 12 Mary Slessor Wynd , High Burnside , G73 5RJ ( 0141-391-4054 )
Smile Lines / Thoughts
StOM Page 4
Messy Church for the children can be enjoyed at Kings Park Parish Church on Saturday 3 rd October 2015 between 4 – 6pm
The Rev . Lesley-ann will be helping out !
Please pray for this wonderful ministry .
Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you can go . There is no elevator to success ; you have to take the stairs .
When everything feels like an uphill struggle just think of the view from the top .
Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will . The sun won ’ t shine until you put the umbrella away . In a world of darkness it needs you to be the light . Worry is like a rocking chair ; it keeps you busy but gets you nowhere . We can ’ t change the world unless we change ourselves .
If you don ’ t start out the day with a smile , it ’ s not too late to start practising for tomorrow .