not help. The team had devised new liturgies for events like the
Commonwealth Games, but also for the new Service of the Word. What made
me take note was the offer with music when no organist was available. Now,
Gill Young may have been rather disappointed with St Oswald’s in time past
and maybe not keen to come back to us, but it might be a good idea to get her
help with a free church presentation on how to use a tablet or phone attached
to the sound system, as Ulric had done in the past. Gill said that licenses had
to be obtained for that purpose, but that, I guess, is part of her presentation.
The team could also give training for people within the congregation with
intercessions and other lay activities to support clergy or when no clergy is
The Learning and Discipleship Development Team (LADDT) promotes lifelong
learning at the centre of discipleship, organises Lent courses, Bishop’s
Lectures and Lay Theological groups together with Glasgow University.
The work of the Welcome. Integration and numerical Growth Team (WINGS)
would be of interest to us. It provides resources and training in the use of
technology, trains welcome teams, advises on notice boards and web sites.
A good time was spent on discussing motion 1 which proposed to the General
Synod that no clergy should be expected to act against their conscience with
the view of same-sex marriage.
From this discussion resulted the word that “we are looking for a church where
all of us can thrive” without pulling each other apart or down.
Lastly: From the Treasurer’s presentation of the Budget came this advice:
“You should not be afraid of deficit! We have money to spend and need to
develop as a church”.
This is good advice for St Oswald’s!
Brigitte Williams
Isaiah prophecies the crucifixion
A prophecy from the book of Isaiah, written approximately 700 years before
the birth of Christ, about how a suffering servant would save mankind: He
was despised, and rejected by men; a man of sorrows, and familiar with
suffering; as one from whom men hide their face, and we despised him and
we did not value him. Surely he has borne our sufferings, and carried our
pains; yet we considered him stricken, smitten by God, and afflicted. But he
was pierced for our transgressions. He was crushed for our iniquities. The
punishment that brought our peace was on him; and by his wounds we are
healed. Isaiah 53:3-5 (NHEB)
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