St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1504 | Page 15

Sunday 19 April 3rd Sunday of Easter Sidespersons: David & Brigitte Intercessions: Priest Chalice A Stanners C Wilkie PS: If you are unavailable to carry out your duties on a specific Sunday please arrange for a substitute. JOY Readers: Brigitte Williams David Williams Acts 3: 12-19 1 John 3: 1-7 Priest Luke 24: 36 –48 Counters: Dorothy & David Flowers: Freida Tea: Jean & Brigitte J is for the joy that rings. ‘Tis this the Easter season brings. O is for the others to. Who must hear the message true. Y shall stand for you this day. Have you sent good tidings on their way? Each must do in truth their part. That joy shall reign in every heart What’s On @ ST Oswald’s Monday 1000-1200 SEQUENCE DANCE H Warnock 01355 265233 1830-2030 TAE KWAN DO P Coyle 0774 778 9855 1900-2100 (Last/month) Kings Park Community Council Tuesday 1730 & 1930 Slimming World C Ellis 0773 353 8448 1930-2130 St Oswald’s Vestry (First/month) Wednesday 0930 Slimming World 1900-2200 SEQUENCE DANCE Thursday 1000-1200 SEQUENCE DANCE 1830-2030 TAE KWAN DO Friday 1900-2000 AA Contact James or Helpline 08475 697 555 2000-2200 SEQUENCE DANCE J Barr 01698 853 652 Saturday 1000-1200 & 1900-2200 SEQUENCE DANCE H Warnock 01355 265233 StOM Page 15