St Oswald's Magazine StOM 1504 | Page 13

So to the question, did we cause climate change? No changes to our climate occur naturally, but our activities are now adding to and modifying these cycles. Have the world’s faiths contributed to this effect? Probably yes, if we look at the archaeological and astronomical evidence from the religious monuments, such as the Pyramids and Stonehenge, enabled by the excess production and alterations agriculture has made to the landscape. We seem to have acquired belief held in common to bring us together in ever larger groups to undertake such projects. Out of these, have grown jointly our modern faiths and science, which continue to fuel the economic and social competition for land and resources. So what should we do? We in the West are described as an increasingly postsecular society or even a post enlightenment age, it has proven morally difficult for us to continue to impose our changing values on others and especially the emerging economies. We can support global organisations, such as the UN to intercede and moderate in events. However local actions may ultimately be more effective. By embracing spirituality, in the living of our lives more humbly and simply, sharing our rituals, demonstrating our faiths and science are compatible and showing tolerance to each other, we may yet survive the impending crises. Mic Starbuck FRSA, March 2015 Magazine Feedback: The newly sized magazine