Vestry Report
The first meeting since the 2016 Annual General Meeting took place on Tuesday 10 January 2017 .
The acting Chairperson welcomed new members Morag and Emily and all returning Vestry members .
The meeting opened in prayer with thoughts for Bishop Gregor , Rev Lesleyann , Ashley and the sick of the congregation .
The previous minutes were approved but with an important correction relating to the exact monies returned to the Scottish Government .
There was a theme at this meeting with a focus on the accounts and variance between income and expenditure . It was felt we were feeling the impact of a number of groups having closed due to a drop in their attendances . An investment had been made in the new boiler system but that would take a significant period of time before the impact on the bills may be recognised .
There was discussion regarding what steps needed to be taken to increase income and this would be an ongoing conversation .
It was also drawn to the Vestry ’ s attention that for many reasons there were a number of vacancies in rotas that are part of running a welcoming and family church . Please add to your prayers that flower arrangers , tea makers , readers or Sidespersons are sent to us by God . Thanks to all who already give their time & talents to ensure the smooth running of St Oswald ’ s .
An email had been received from Rev Lesley-ann who was delighted to hear what was continuing at St Oswald ’ s in her absence . The joint study group with St Aiden ’ s continued and Emily was sourcing the study material . It was proposed that the Lenten study group would again be hosted by St Oswald ’ s .
A thank you letter had been received from Paula Fleetwood for the card , beautiful flowers and book token she had received at the AGM . These gifts were an acknowledgement of Paula ’ s time ( her third period ) and hard work as Vestry secretary .
The business agenda was lengthy but full discussions took place , including on the Children ’ s Ministry and confirmation of visiting Priests for January .
Next meeting Tuesday 7 February at 7:30pm .
Morag McHaffie
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