St Oswald's Magazine St OM 1702 | Page 12

How much money they will generate is not guaranteed . Like the Olympics , billions are hoped for , but these days , with terror attacks in mind , many would shy away from large gatherings , the hosts might end up being disappointed .

Brigitte Williams

What ’ s ON @ St Oswald ’ s Sunday
1000 Sung Eucharist Sunday School – in conjunction with service
Tuesday 1930-2130 St Oswald ’ s Vestry ( First / month ) Wednesday
0930 1130 1730 & 1930 Slimming World C Ellis 0773 353 8448
1030 Matins Morning Prayer : Said Eucharist Friday 1900-2000 AA Contact Helpline 08475 697 555 Saturday
1930-2200 Sequence Dance Contact : H Warnock ( 01355-265233 )
BOOK REVIEW “: Poacher ’ s Pilgrimage ” by Alastair McIntosh
This book tells the story of the author ’ s walk from one end of the Isle of Harris to the far end of the Isle of Lewis but this is not an ordinary account of a walk with mere descriptions of the passing scenery and wildlife and the people met along the way . All these things are included but so are a lot of meditations on ecology ( McIntosh was a lecturer in human ecology at Edinburgh University for a time ), religion , traditional beliefs , pacifism versus war and much else .
Alastair McIntosh was brought up on Harris , son of the local doctor and became fascinated by geology and the traditional beliefs of the local people . On this walk he visits various ruined buildings , some from comparatively recent times , the Clearances of the c18th and c19 ’ s , and some from prehistoric days .
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