St Oswald's Magazine St OM 1702 | Page 10

StOM Page 10
My sponsored Stand Up 2 Cancer Walk from Cancer Research UK Shop Anniesland Cross took us along Great Western Road to the Botanic Gardens , and returned via The Beatson Centre and back to Anniesland Shop raising £ 172 .
The morning downpour cleared up and we managed to complete our fundraising efforts in the late autumn sunshine .
Acknowledging the great Harvest Meal we shared , the contributions received from congregation and friends of St Oswald ’ s raised a further £ 198 which was sent to Stand Up 2 Cancer .
CRUK at Anniesland raised , in total , the marvellous sum of £ 1,767 . I would like to say a big thank you to St Oswald ’ s and all my friends .

Gladys Dickson .

2017 has been declared the Luther Year , at least the German Parliament has decided that it should be so .
Its official printed papers state : ‘ The German Bundestag finds that the 500 th anniversary of the Reformation in the Year 2017 is an event of world significance .’ It was an all-party decision , although some on the left called it ‘ an uncritical cult of an hero ’ and that the leader of the peasant ’ s revolt , Thomas Muentzer , should have been equally honoured .
New historical research suggests that it wasn ’ t Luther himself who nailed the thesis paper to the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg , but some servant of the University . In it , one professor of theology called for an academic discussion concerning the sale of letters of indulgence by the Pope . A printer with a nose for business recognised the potential of this 95 thesis paper as a bestseller and made it into a ‘ media event ’. It resulted in a long quarrel with the emperor and the Roman Papacy , which culminated in bloody wars and an un-intentional division of the Church .