A Spring
On Saturday 2 September, the second day of Spring, a merry band of workers
led by Shirley and Alf Larsen, gathered from the early hours to set out a variety
of goods gathered together over previous weeks and awaited a steady stream
of visitors to browse and purchase. A steady stream of folk, may known to us,
drifted through throughout the morning and early afternoon, departing with such
items as had attracted them to open their purses and wallets.
During the notices at morning worship the following day, Shirley thanked the
numerous helpers for their efforts and announced the proceeds had amounted
to $1500. Left over items had been passed on the Doerings from Holy Cross to
add to their goods that they sell to raise funds for Holy Cross Tuckerbox, and to
St Ninian’s and Kangara Waters for their forthcoming fetes.
As has been the case many times before, St Margaret’s is most appreciative of
the wonderful work done by Shirley and Alf. A huge thank you to them both.
(Images by Brian Rope)
St Margaret's News
September 2017