Coming Worship Events
Sunday 25 September 9.30 AM:
Our annual Spring Festival Worship Service. Combined with Holy Cross
Anglican. It will be held outdoors in the rear garden area by the bell tower
(weather permitting).
Sunday 16 October 10.30 AM:
Our first joint service with St James. The theme of the service will reflect
Anti-Poverty Week which starts on that day.
The main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to:
Strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of
poverty and hardship around the world and in Australia; and
Encourage research, discussion and action to address these
problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations
and governments.
Everyone is encouraged to help reduce poverty and hardship by organising
an activity during the Week or taking part in an activity
organised by others.
Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians.
Around the world, more than a billion people are desperately poor.
In Anti-Poverty Week, YOU can help fight poverty and hardship!
St Margaret’s News
September 2016