St. Margaret's News October 2021 | Page 5

Advice from ACT Health

We understand the easing of restrictions can carry with it mixed emotions . Adjusting to life after lockdown is going to look and feel different for everyone .
If you ’ re among the many Canberrans feeling slightly unsure and anxious about restrictions ending and the changes ahead , we ’ ve pulled together some tips to help you feel safe as we move towards our new norm .
You don ’ t have to put your foot on the gas as soon as restrictions ease . Take the pace that works for you .
Manage your expectations . Life isn ’ t going to immediately snap back to how it was before lockdown .
If there are settings and situations you don ’ t feel comfortable with it ’ s OK to say no or adjust your plans to ensure you feel safe .
Avoid becoming overwhelmed and burnt out by looking after your physical and mental health . Sleep and exercise can help boost your mood .
Control the controllable . With the weather warming up a picnic is still a great option to catch up with friends while avoiding crowded places . If you ’ re struggling don ’ t be afraid to seek help , there is always someone you can talk to . For a list of support services visit : www . health . act . gov . au / mentalhealth
St Margaret ’ s News 5 October 2021