Prayer Needs
At St Margaret’s AGM recently, it was agree to change the method of informing
people of prayer needs in our church community.
Instead of the existing three prayer chain groups, with the person on the top in-
forming, by telephone, the next on the list, and so on, it was decided that a
“broadcast email” would be sent to everyone.
So news of a particular need should be provided to the Pastoral care Team Con-
venor, Robyn Swadling, in the first instance - [email protected] or
62582131 or 0409 582 131.
Then Robyn will send out an email to everyone. This method means that most
people in our church community will become aware of the prayer needs. Anyone
who does not use email is asked to let Robyn know so that arrangements can be
made to include them in the system by another means.
Anyone who does use email but has not already received a prayer chain email is
asked to provide their email address to Robyn.
And, importantly, anyone with a prayer need or knowing of someone else’s
prayer need is asked to let Robyn know so that she can spread the word to
everyone in our community.
Of course, most importantly of all, is that we all do pray in response to learning
of these needs.
St Margaret's News
October 201 7