Two Brians in St Margaret’s congregation (known as B1 and B2) are enthusiast
photographers. Both have had an image in PhotoACTIVISM, a current (but closing
on 18 October) members’ exhibition at Photo Access at the Manuka Arts Centre.
The image by B1 is well known to worshippers at St Margaret’s. The one by B2 is
not. Both were selected for inclusion in the exhibition catalogue. They are best seen
in the exhibition but here are small copies of them. And their accompanying artists
B1: "Some forms of activism are
public and readily seen and
heard. Prayer, on the other
hand, is often a private way of
seeking change. This gentleman,
seen praying in an open-air
mass in Place Vauban, Paris
7ème, bridges the gap and
brings the private into a public
space. This is a Piezography
Special Edition pigment print on
Canson Rag Photographique
B2: In my job in 1988, I was responsible for the Commo