Biggest Morning Tea in
We were blessed with a glorious autumn day for our
Biggest Morning Tea at St Margaret’s on 29 May.
Although chilly outdoors the 65 guests were greeted
with warmth inside from the newly installed air conditioners. People donated generously to the Cancer
Council as they entered and then moved onto
purchasing raffle tickets and items from the
preserves, craft, jewellery, books, china and glass.
Guests were treated to hot savoury slices as they
were seated and then went to the table of delicious
sandwiches, sweets and fruit platters to complete
their lunch.
Four lucky people won the raffle prizes - Food Hamper donated by the Friendship Group,
Afternoon Tea Hamper complete with Ashdene tea pot, a very colourful cup and saucer
planter potted up with succulents and a wine hamper.
Robin Bennett’s floral table posies were sold off to add to the takings for the day and some
craft, household items and books were donated to Bev and Don Doering for their Saturday
afternoon trading table which is run in conjunction with the Holy Cross Tuckerbox.
The event resulted in a $1600 donation to the Cancer Council. $200 of merchandise was
also sold giving us a grand total of $1800.
Images by Brian Rope
St Margaret’s News
June 2016