families suggested that our daughter Joanne might join them, which she did. Under
the guidance and support of Hartley LifeCare and, in particular the house manager
Wendy Millar and her staff, the ‘house’ has become a truly caring and loving ‘home’.
The 3 ladies, being long-time friends and SSFL members, have bonded into a close
family and support each other wonderfully. Penny Everson and Joanne are members
of St Margaret’s and Carol-Jayne McManus is a member of Holy Rosary.
The funding arrangements are straightforward. Residents pay rent on the same basis
as all other tenants of public housing in the ACT and they pay ‘board’ to Hartley
LifeCare to cover food and extras. Their NDIS funding covers the cost of the support
Three ladies with special needs now have a comfortable, caring and loving home in
which to live and the opportunity to live a full life as independently as they are able.
And three families have greater peace of mind about the long-term future of their
St Margaret’s neither owns the house nor manages the home but, through the ADC
and Stepping Stones, it was the initiator, the enabler and the facilitator. St Margaret’s
and the many other people and organisations who contributed, and continue to con-
tribute to this very special home, are entitled to feel a quiet sense of satisfaction. A
good news story if ever there was one.
- Marge & Jeff
Happy residents
(Image by Jess)
St Margaret’s News
December 2017