Holy Cross Social Justice
The front cover item prompted your editor to include material about the Social
Justice programs of Holy Cross, which St Margaret’s people may not know all
about. So, from the HX Website:
Our social justice work is inspired by Jesus’s call to “bring Good News
to the poor” (Luke 4:14-21), and the mission goals of the Anglican
Communion, in particular: To transform unjust structures of society, to
challenge violence of every kind and pursue peace and reconciliation.
Holy Cross actively seeks to be involved locally and globally in issues of
importance. Our Tuckerbox ministry is one of our signature ministries,
providing food and groceries for people with budgetary constraints.
Our Social Justice and Environment group helps raise awareness and
encourage peaceful action toward a more just society. Actions of the
group include speaking tours, petitions, letter writing campaigns and
fundraising for pressing social issues.
Our members participate in events such as the annual Palm Sunday
rally for refugees, organised by Canberra’s Refugee Action Committee
in seeking fair and humane treatment of people who come to Australia
seeking refuge.
St John’s Care
Holy Cross actively supports the work of St John’s Care in Reid in
assisting the poor and homeless of Canberra. Members of the congre-
gation donate groceries at each Sunday morning service. The parish
also makes regular financial donations to St John’s Care and some
members volunteer their time.
Holy Cross encourages its members to support all aspects of the work
of Anglicare for caring for those in need in the local region.
ACT for Peace
Internationally, Holy Cross supports ACT for Peace and the Christmas
Bowl programs of the National Council of Churches in Australia. These
programs include overseas disaster relief, development projects and
advocacy for peace, justice and ecological well being.
St Margaret’s News
August 2019