Congratulations to Rose-Mary Faulkner who has been accepted as one of forty six
finalists in the EMERGE 2018 International Glass Competition. EMERGE 2018 is the
tenth in a biennial series of exhibitions hosted by Bullseye Projects in Portland, Ore-
gon, USA.
Awards in this international juried competition include a total of $22,000 in Bullseye
Glass gift cards, recognition at an awards ceremony, as well as representation in a
full-color catalog. Selected award winners will be included in a national tour. Emerge
2018 was open to makers who started working in kiln-glass less than fifteen years
ago. Students and artists who are not represented by major galleries were
encouraged to apply. Works are judged on excellence of craftsmanship, design and
creativity, and must be made with Bullseye glasses.
A photograph of Rose-Mary’s accepted entry, “Bare”, can be seen at http:// Bare 1-8 can also be seen at https:// The accompanying Artist Statement is also available
Congratulations to Pauline Everson
Proud son, Richard, recently posted
these words and the adjoining image on
Congratulations mum! My mum Pauline
received a Gold Award today, in recog-
nition of more than 50 years of service
within the Canberra community.
Since the day she arrived in 1962, she
has been an active community member,
providing thousands of hours of service
to a range of organisations spanning
disability, the arts, and community.
On behalf of all those who have benefit-
ted from your service, especially me
and my sister Penny, thank you mum.
St Margaret’s News
April 2018