St. Johns October 2019 Newsletter P1_STM81329 October Newsletter | Page 8
To members of SJGCC,
As September ends and we enter October, there are many exciting things taking place
around St. Johns. One of our main goals will be putting the finishing touches on the
putting and chipping green. This will be accomplished by continuing to increase the
fertility and sodding any additional areas with grass from our nursery green. We will also
be doing some heavy pruning and tree work on the south end of the putting green to
address the low light conditions.
There will be a scheduled bulk fertility application for the entire property as well as the first
round of our fall pre-emergent to combat our winter annual weeds. Additionally, we will
start the process of cutting down and removing all the dead trees that exist throughout
the property. As we work on all these tasks, we are excited about the upcoming fall golf
Thank you,
Andy Maguire