St. Johns July 2019 Newsletter P2_STM80235 July Newsletter | Page 7
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To members of SJGCC,
Thankfully we have escaped the late Spring drought and are seeing some consistent rain
fall in our area. I appreciate all the kind words and support from the membership as we
navigated the dry conditions, limiting our water consumption, and guarding against turf
loss. We are extremely grateful to have the course in the shape it is.
Aerification went well and we are pleased in the condition of the greens. Our new Toro
Greens mowers have arrived with new front grooming reals and have made a tremendous
affect already. These groomers will thin the leaf blade of the Bermuda, thus reducing the
grain, like Verticutting but without the recovery time. We will be increasing the frequency
of mowing to maintain consistent conditions.
Lastly, we continue to make modifications in our maintenance practices through the course
to improve playability and aesthetics. I am very pleased with the effort of the Agronomy
team and the efforts they have shown. We truly hope you enjoy the course this summer.
Andy Maguire