St. Johns January 2019 Newsletter P3_STM77850 January Newsletter | Page 6
To members of SJGCC,
As we begin the New Year, we are very
pleased in the conditions of the golf course
and the progress made in the past year. The
practice area renovation has recently been
completed, with the addition of a parking
area and some landscape changes. This
has seemed to tie this entire area together,
andtogether and providegive a nice finish
from a visual standpoint.
As far as course conditions, we are very
pleased in the direction that we are heading.
We will continue to manage turf through
winter conditions to ensure a healthy
transition when growing conditions are
favored. Detailed projects will continue to be
completed, including more drainage repair,
non-slip matting on bridges, cleaning and
trimming of native grass beds, etc.
Also included in the next few weeks will be
a pre-emergent/post-emergent herbicide
application to clean up any remaining
weed pressure with most concern directed
towards winter poa annua and broadleaf
weeds. Herbicide applications have begun
and will continue to be applied in landscape
beds and perimeter edges in the following
weeks. There is great anticipation for this
new year, with goals of continuing to improve
conditions on the golf course.
Andy Maguire