February Clinics The pros confidently view having a shot inside of 100 yards as an opportunity to score … do you ? What are the fundamentals that allow you to consistently control your wedge distances ? Do you truly understand the elements that are necessary to improve your lag putting ? Does a routine greenside bunker shot make you nervous ? Do you feel certain that your long pitch shot will finish within a few feet of the hole ? Please join me in the month of February for my shot saving clinic series !
The schedule is as follows : Wednesday , February 3 ( 2:00PM-3:00PM ): Pitching ( Max of 5 Participants ) Wednesday , February 10 ( 2:00PM-3:00PM ): Distance Control 100 yards and In ( Max of 3 Participants ) Wednesday , February 17 ( 2:00PM-3:00PM ): Putting ( Max of 5 Participants ) Wednesday , February 24 ( 2:00PM-3:00PM & 3:30PM-4:30PM ): Bunker ( Max of 2 Participants for each session )
Cost per session : $ 30 Members , $ 40 Non-members
Due to the limited size of the clinics , all participants must be registered in order to attend . Please register by texting Al Consoli at 610.207.7181 . Please state your first and last name , if you are member , and the clinic date and time in your message .
If the clinic is full , you will be placed on a wait list . If the wait list expands to 3 , another class can be created on the same day 3:30PM-4:30PM .
Sincerely ,
Al Consoli
PGA , Director of Instruction