St. Johns December Newsletter P1_STM77597 December Newsletter | Page 4

HEAD GOLF PROFESSIONAL UPDATE FA L L 2 0 1 8 Schedule of Events December 9th – Santa’s Revenge December 22nd – Couples Glow Ball Challenge December 25th – End of Holiday Sale Members, Starting on January 1st, The Rules of Golf will be getting a much-needed update to modernize and speed up the game. The Rules of Golf are revised every four years and the Decisions on the Rules of Golf are revised every two years. A full review and modernization of the Rules of Golf was announced in March 2017, with the new Rules taking effect on January 1, 2019. As modern-day golfers, we will be a part of a rare opportunity during the history of the game. We will experience first-hand; the changing of the game and it’ll be our responsibility to implement these changes effectively. After reviewing the new changes, I’ve listed a few of what I think will be the most important changes to the game. I’m mostly excited about the changes made to speed up play. A local rule that can be used called “Stroke and Distance” is a 2-stroke penalty that allows a player to drop a new ball onto the fairway if their original ball in play is lost. This will come into use when a player’s ball is lost in the general area of the golf course such as the deep rough, palmetto bushes or trees. A few more great rules for speed of play include the “Maximum Score” or “Time of Search.” Another reason for the changes to the Rules of Golf was to make the game more attractive to new golfers. The following rules to help modernize the game will certainly be a change from the soon to be called “traditional rules.” One of the biggest changes will be the treatment of “Penalty Areas.” Formerly known as lateral hazards, penalty areas can be treated exactly like fairways or rough, meaning you may lift and clear any movable obstructions, ground your club and even take practice swings from within the penalty area. As for bunkers, you may remove clear any movable obstructions, but you still cannot ground your club or take practice swings. Another big rule change around the greens is that you may repair all damaged parts of the greens, including spike marks! If you have any questions about the new changes, please make sure to send me an email or stop by in the shop! Jonathan Dick Head Golf Professional 4