Jesus, being near him in worship and prayer,
learning from him in the Scriptures, participating
in his work of justice and reconciliation, and letting
his life and love grow in us through the Eucharist.
We can only walk in the way of Jesus — and love the
things he loves — if we spend time with him. That
spending time with Jesus is our weekly worship
and our daily devotion. Nothing is so important;
everything else flows from that.
all that well and some of whom you really do
not like — and calling them sisters and brothers.
Maybe it’s having the humility to listen for wisdom
and correction and guidance from ancient texts
interpreted in community and not just by your own
lights. Maybe it’s kneeling to receive a strength
beyond yourself. Maybe it’s daring to believe that
Christ really is present in all those we meet, and
that in honoring just a bit of bread and wine, God is
teaching us to honor the lowly, lost and least.
Letting Worship Change You
I hope you will be open to those moments when
As with anything, if we “do” worship right, we will
they come. I hope you will commit to our parish
see the ways in which it changes us. In that way
goals of gathering weekly to encounter
it is no different from any other kind
Christ in the Eucharist, and engaging
of practice, like going to the gym
daily with God through some form
or learning a new language.
of prayer and Bible reading.
This fall, I really hope you
Because if you do commit to
will try to be aware of,
those practices, and you
and open to, the ways
are open to moments
God might be helping
of grace along the way,
you grow through your
God will get to work and
practice of corporate
worship will change
worship. Maybe it’s
you. And I trust you will
the sheer act of
be glad you did.
gathering with a bunch
of strangers — many of
whom you do not know
The Sunday Forum
6 · FALL 2018
Where are we?
Where are we going? The Eucharist:
Who, what, when, where, why, and how
September 23, 30 October 14 - November 11
Last winter, the parish participated in a Spiritual
Life Inventory as part of the RenewalWorks process.
Join the Revs. Brenda Husson and Ryan Fleenor for
a two-part forum on what we learned about where
we are as a parish, and where we are headed. The Eucharist: who, what, when, where, why, how.
At the Last Supper, Jesus commanded his disciples
to “do this in remembrance of me.” Christians have
gathered weekly ever since to do just that. This
5-week series will explore the history, theology,
Biblical roots and spiritual power of the Holy