Once, I mistyped “Eucharist” and autocorrect filled in: “I cherish.”
The automation first annoyed me, as any attempt by artificial intelligence to
guess — but mistake — my meaning frustrates me. But then it amused me. And
then it gave me pause.
The verb “cherish” is related to words that mean “costly” and “beloved.” It
evokes not only the treasured aspect of the object of one’s cherishing, but also
the protection and care one might give it, the way the object of one’s cherishing
is always on one’s mind.
It took me a long time to understand that we worship what we love — and while the
concept appears simple enough on its surface, the truth of it is a daily challenge
to me. How I long to live always mistaking “Eucharist” and “cherishing,” and not
merely in moments: to know how Christ cherishes me in the sacrament of his
Body and Blood; to cherish the Living God by my words, deeds, and very being.
The essays and submissions in this issue of the Camino hardly necessitate any
comments from the Editor; they speak volumes themselves. But I am struck by,
and grateful for, the place that each invites me into as a reader: a place of deep
attention — of real, seen love — and of a life changed. Whether in reflecting on
personal experiences, pointing us to the mystery of holy vision, or amplifying the
sacred in poetry and song, our contributors help point us to that which we love.
I hope that as you dive into these pages, you will recognize the markers in
your own life. And I hope that these few voices call up your own experiences of
belovedness, care, and transformation.
Buen camino, peregrino.
Chris Veillon, Editor
Reading Recommendation
You Are What You Love: The Spiritual Power of Habit,” James K. A. Smith
Brazos Press; April 2016
“James K. A. Smith shows that who and what we worship fundamentally shape our hearts.
We might not realize the ways our hearts are being taught to love rival gods instead of
the One for whom we were made. Smith helps readers recognize the formative power of
culture and the transformative possibilities of Christian practices. He explains that worship
is the ‘imagination station’ that incubates our loves and longings so that our endeavors are
indexed toward God and his kingdom.”