time a challenge . At its heart , it is about practicing as a regular spiritual engagement . It is in the inner stillness — letting everything go so that we moments of real availability and especially over may be present to God and God to us . It is not about time that God enters and we are more and more relaxation or self improvement . It is about occupying renewed in God ’ s image . a space in which we can simply be . The pace of life I invite you to join other members of the St . and so many of our cultural imperatives run very James ’ family who come together for Centering much counter to this ( hence the challenge ). This Prayer each week . � makes Centering Prayer all the more compelling
Let Us Break Bread Together
Nadia Gaya Parishioner
If you ’ ve attended service at St . James ’ around Easter , there ’ s a good chance you ’ ve heard the choir sing a beautiful rendition of the African American Spiritual , Let Us Break Bread Together . The first verse of this song , one of my favorites , begins with an entreaty : let us break bread together on our knees . Every time I hear this refrain , I hear Christ ’ s call to us to share in his body and blood in the Eucharist .
Let us break bread … The image of breaking bread conjures up a cozy family dinner : steaming dishes have been brought to the table along with a warm , crusty loaf , pieces of which are torn off and used to mop up every delicious morsel . During the last supper , Jesus gave thanks then took bread and broke it , giving it to his disciples and telling them to eat , that it was his body ( Matthew 26:26 ). Before we receive communion in church , the priest breaks the Eucharistic bread as a symbol that many can be fed by one . This also recalls the breaking of the bread in the story of Jesus feeding many thousands with a few loaves and fish . Just as that meal was a miracle , we experience the miracle of renewal in the Eucharistic meal that we share as one family in communion with Christ . Bread is broken as a reminder that Christ shares with us himself , his body and blood , so that we can be made new and
When I fall on my knees with my face to the rising sun , O Lord , have mercy on me . share new life in him .
Together … The Eucharist is a communal act , an act performed together . By receiving the Eucharist we perform an act of communion with the body of Christ while also performing this act in community . We approach the Eucharistic table as individuals but we also come together as a congregation and as a faithful people . In the Bible , Jesus broke bread with friends and strangers , with those dearest to his heart as well as with those who were considered the worst sinners . Most importantly , Jesus broke bread together . We are reminded every Sunday that whatever our difficulties and brokenness , that God has brought us together and God loves us , all of us . Jesus calls us to the table so that together as a community we are together with Him .
On our knees … If we are able , we process to the high altar and drop to our knees on a beautifully embroidered kneeler to wait in anticipation to receive the bread and the wine , the symbols of Christ ’ s sacrifice for us . To receive communion kneeling is a physical sign that we are but humble penitents before God . From my childhood attending a Catholic church , I clearly remember the priest elevating the host and saying the words “ This is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world . Blessed are those who are called to his supper ” and the congregation dutifully responding “ Lord , I am not worthy to receive you , but only say the word and I shall be healed .” We acknowledge that we are but sinners and not worthy but God calls us to the table nonetheless and through
12 · FALL 2018