St Giles Hospice Quality Account 2018/2019 St Giles Hospice 2018-19 Quality Account | Page 12

6. Patient Safety 6.1 Safeguarding There were four referrals regarding potential safeguarding concerns. We continue to provide staff with booster training in year concerning the Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty and Safeguarding. 6.2 Duty of Candour In 2018/2019 there was one matter where the legal Duty of Candour applied, this was in relation to a fall and was handled in line with our policy and our regulators were informed. 6.3 Prevention and Management of Infections Preventing, reducing and managing infections is a priority for St Giles Hospice. To assist with this we undertake the Infection Prevention Society’s (IPS) audits throughout the year covering both Whittington and Walsall sites along with 12 Antimicrobial audits. We undertake Hospice UK’s Health and Social Care audit annually. Infection prevention and control champions, made up of qualified and unqualified ward staff who undertake monthly audits on handwashing, sharps boxes and cleaning equipment. Annual, mandatory infection prevention and control training is given to all our clinical staff. Tailored training for ward volunteers and housekeepers was introduced in 2018. Patient information and several policies were updated over the year, including our Norovirus toolkit which helps us prevent and manage this common infection. An algorithm to assess and respond appropriately to loose stools was reviewed; a risk assessment to support the safer visiting of pets to our hospice and information for external contractors concerning infection prevention were also produced. St Giles Hospice has a Service Level Agreement with University Hospitals of Derby and Burton for Pathology specimens and Infection Prevention and Control advice. The Infection Prevention and Control Nurse is a member of the Infection Prevention Society and Hospice UK’s Infection Prevention and Control Forum and also networks regionally with other hospices to ensure we are up to date with best practice. 6.4 Medicines Management In year we analysed our rate of errors concerning medicines administration. The error rate was 0.06%, meaning less than 1.2 errors per 2,000 administrations, showing our medicines administration processes and delivery are safe. To ensure that the hospice can evidence safe working we