St. Francis College Donor Report Donor Report 2016-2017 | Page 2

St. Francis College 2016–2017 Annual Donor Report A Message from Denis J. Salamone ’75, Development Committee Chairman and Thomas F. Flood, Vice President for Development T he academic year of 2017 was one filled with many highs and some lows. The low of the lows was saying goodbye to President Brendan J. Dugan—a true SFC champion, an exemplary example of how to live and give, a Terrier who had an undeniable passion for advancing mission, and demonstrated his loyalty to thy red and blue in words and actions. The high of highs was the outpouring of support shared with the Denis J. Salamone ’75 Dugan Family and the College by all in the SFC family (students, faculty, alumni, parents and friends)—it was meaningful, comforting and inspirational. Other highs include how the administration, faculty, staff and students stepped up with Dr. Timothy J. Houlihan, who served as Interim President, leading the way. His title and tenure may have been interim but his leadership, vision and impact will be forever part of our history. To all reading this, none of it is surprising—it is what we do, it is what you do. The loyal, generous and annual outpouring of support is what we celebrate through this donor and acknowledgment report. We witness the givers and getters, the champions, the passionate, and those loyal to thy red and blue. To our loyal friends—we salute thee! When you see the many who invest in the Big Dreams of tomorrow and are devoted to advancing the mission of Saint Francis College—it warms your heart and breathes life into the following words of the alma mater: Mem’ries of thy name recall Deep affection for thee! Thy ideals shall ever be Inspiration constantly Binding us together, Binding us to thee. And may we add—binding us to each other. One other high that we note is the above and beyond effort of the Presidential Search Thomas F. Flood Committee that consisted of board members, alumni, faculty, staff and students. They and the Board of Trustees set out to find a champion that personifies the Franciscan values of kindness and service; who also brings deep academic experience, solid leadership skills, and an accomplished track record. Fortunately for the Small College of Big Dreams, they and we welcome to the SFC family, the 19th President of SFC, Dr. Miguel Martinez-Saenz. This was an emotional year, one of transition and challenge but thankfully, we have made it through with the love and support of our Franciscan family. With your ongoing support, and the support of other alumni, parents and friends, “what we do” will help countless Terriers and ultimately lead to transformational moments—while sustaining the traditions that we all value, love and want to pass on. There is nothing “small” about this college, fortunately we have a larger than life Franciscan family committed to advancing the mission and impact, and we have YOU with the Biggest Hearts dedicated to Big Dreams. With great gratitude, — DENIS AND THOMAS Fundraising Results FY 2016–2017: $4,393,515 SFC Giving Cup to the Class of 1975 with much gratitude for providing leadership support! 2  SFC All-Hands-In Award to the Class of 1971 with great appreciation for gathering the highest number of contributors! SFC All-Star Participation Award to the Class of 1963 for amassing the highest participation percentage! T OP 10— G I V ING CL A S S E S T OP 10—NUMBER OF CON T R IBU T OR S T O P 10— H I G H E S T P A R T I C I P A T I O N (%) C L A S S O F 1975 $ 3 3 3 , 4 9 2 . 0 0 C L A S S O F 1971 6 3 19 6 3 2 6 . 4% 19 6 8 $16 7, 4 3 2 . 5 4 2 017 5 9 19 61 2 3 . 2 % 1972 $14 6 , 2 3 3 . 0 3 19 6 8 5 7 1959 2 0 . 3 % 19 6 7 $1 2 3 ,7 3 4 . 0 0 19 6 9 A N D 1972 5 3 19 4 6 2 0 . 0 % 19 6 6 $ 8 0 , 4 6 1. 0 9 1970 5 2 19 6 5 1 9 . 3 % 19 6 3 $ 6 8 , 5 7 0 . 0 0 19 6 5 51 1957 16 .7 % 197 9 $ 4 9 , 8 4 5 . 0 0 19 6 3 A N D 19 6 4 4 8 19 6 4 16 . 0 % 19 81 $ 4 9 , 5 9 6 . 81 19 6 7 47 19 6 6 15 . 8 % 19 6 4 $ 4 8 ,1 2 5 . 0 0 1976 A N D 197 9 4 2 1951 14 . 8 % 19 6 5 $ 4 2 ,7 9 0 . 0 0 1975 4 0 195 4 14 . 3 % S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE  |  2016–2017 A NNUA L DONOR R EPOR T