St. Francis College Donor Report 2015-2016 | Page 2

St. Francis College 2015–2016 Annual Donor Report A Message from Denis J. Salamone ’75, Development Committee Chairman and Thomas F. Flood, Vice President for Development O n the heels of the Olympics, it is timely and appropriate we write to celebrate and acknowledge our true champions of generosity. Every two years, the world comes together, encouraging best performances, striving for excellence, building on pride, and supporting people who are determined to realize their life goals and live their Big Dreams. Well, that happens every Denis J. Salamone ’75 day at SFC! The Olympians have fans who cheer them on, giving them more energy, support and perhaps that extra push they need to get to the finish line and achieve high marks. You occasionally see competitors falter, but they always seem to get back up and return more determined than ever to reach their goals. They know they have family and friends who will walk them through the challenges, help them through the adversity, and give them the strength to finish the race. The benefactors in this report are the best fans in the world. They cheer and support our stars—our students—by sharing gifts of time, talent and treasure. Their investment in them is a clear message to not settle but strive, to not survive but thrive. YOU give the extra push our students need—and our students have great courage and confidence knowing they are never alone on their journey. When Olympians are given an opportunity to compete, when they know they have the support of family and friends, they give their all and it leads to success— be it an Olympic or World record, or a personal best. Thanks to our benefactors, our students pursue their personal best in the classroom and in the world. They cross that finish line at graduation with such pride, gratification and an obligation Thomas F. Flood to help those that follow. We understand that the primary reason you give is for goals, for dreams, and for them. On behalf of President Dugan, the Board of Trustees, the administration and faculty, and most importantly the students and their families, we thank you for partnering with us, for partnering with them. You are true champions of these future stars—they have so much promise and there will be so much to celebrate thanks to you who give and get for Big Dreams. Let’s continue to strive for high marks and better results. Let’s continue to grow our team, resources and fan base. Let’s make 2017 a “golden” year for SFC and the students who will someday take the world stage—and take SFC to new heights. With great gratitude, — DENIS AND THOMAS Fundraising Results FY 2015–2016: $3,424,009 SFC Giving Cup to the Class of 1975 with much gratitude for providing leadership support! 2  SFC All-Hands-In Award to the Class of 2016 with great appreciation for gathering the highest number of contributors! SFC All-Star Participation Award to the Class of 1957 for amassing the highest participation percentage! T O P 10— H I G H E S T P A R T I C I P A T I O N (%) T OP 10— G I V ING CL A S S E S T OP 10—NUMBER OF CON T R IBU T OR S C L A S S O F 1975 $ 234, 223 C L A S S O F 2 016 80 C L A S S O F 1957 40.8% 1972 $154, 396 19 6 8 73 1951 39.4% 19 6 4 $110,792 1971 65 19 6 3 39.3% 19 6 3 $ 96, 605 197 9 64 19 61 38.5% 19 61 $ 91, 840 1972 62 195 8 31.1% 19 6 8 $ 91,723 19 6 5 and 1970 60 ( T I E ) 1959 30.4% 19 6 7 $ 86,735 19 6 3 and 19 6 9 59 ( T I E ) 19 6 5 27.9% 19 6 6 $ 82, 083 19 6 4 and 1975 57 ( T I E ) 195 6 27.3% 1970 $ 68, 979 1976 56 19 6 0 26.0% 19 81 $ 66,754 19 6 7 and 197 8 54 ( T I E ) 19 6 4 23.5% S T. FR A NC I S COL L EGE  |  2015–2016 A NNUA L DONOR R EPOR T