St. Columba's Parish Profile | Page 2

Welcome to , St. Columba s This profile is an invitation to learn about us. After reading it, we hope that you will consider how God might be calling you to lead and walk with us. “We began in 1884 in a little white frame chapel standing approximately where our fieldstone church stands today. In fine weather the congregation gathered under the Columba oak, which is still with us, gnarled and showing its age but a powerful symbol of the life and growth of our community…” In the spring of 2014, nearly 200 parishioners came together during two Community Gatherings on a quest to imagine our future. In the process, we reconnected with who we are. Utilizing an Appreciative Inquiry process, parishioners told their stories about St. Columba’s. These stories revealed what was unique about our parish. We reconnected with the passion, opinions and spirit that define us. We felt God’s presence and began imagining a new future. We experienced community in a powerful and healing way. The information we collected during our Community Gatherings, along with additional data gathered from staff, neighbors and other parishioners in individual and group interviews, was used to prepare this document. Our intent is to describe all that we are: our strengths, achievements, mistakes and challenges. (Excerpted from the Rev. Dr. Margaret Guenther’s “History of St. Columba’s”). Margaret is a priest at St. Columba’s. This is the Soul of St. Columba’s. 2