Board of Trustees’ Report
Backrow L-R:
Mrs Mary
Margaret Schuck,
Mrs Kate
Br Doug Dawick,
Mrs Sandra Niko,
Mrs Kath McGuinness,
Mrs Stephanie Baucke,
Front row L-R:
Mrs Patricia Pynenburg,
Mrs Natasha Gilmour,
Daniel Raju, Mr Peter Fava,
Mr Stephen Hewson,
Mr Jim Nicolle,
Inset: Mr Brenten Higson
Absent: Mrs Tapu Alaifatu
debt of gratitude. The main item to report on
here is the proposed demolition and rebuilding of a large section of the main College
block. We are most grateful to the Catholic
Schools Board who, as the executive hand of
the Archbishop, have made the necessary arrangements to have this carried out. A project
committee is already in place and the hope
is that demolition will commence towards the
end of next year.
Student Activities
If I named every activity undertaken by the students at the college during the year, we would
be here all night congratulating them. There
have been some outstanding achievements
by teams, groups and individual students, in
the academic, cultural and sporting arenas.
I don’t want to offend anyone by mentioning
some groups and not others, so please accept
our congratulations to you all and how proud
the community is of your achievements. As
with every year, these activities would not
have been possible if it were not for the care,
support and time given by many volunteers
within our community.
Board Members
At the beginning of the year, we welcomed
to the Board of Trustees, a new Proprietor’s
Representative with the appointment of Kate
Dominikovich. Then, a few months later, with
the tri-ennial elections,we farewelled Aneel
Anthony, Kevin Brennan, Paul Saggers and
Brian Slade. We thank them for the great
contribution they have made.
We then also welcomed our new trustees,
who bravely put their names forward for
election,Tapu Alaifatu, Natasha Gilmour,
Kath McGuinness and Jim Nicolle. We also
welcomed back Sandra Niko and Mary Margaret Schu