Jacob Egan
Allister Tran
Jacob Egan
2013 Acknowledgements
e would like to express our
We are also grateful to all of the
Thank you to our sponsors and advertisers who
thanks to the many people who
photographers who have contributed images:
have supported this yearbook: ASB Queensgate
have assisted in the production
Ms Christina Calcinai, Mr Christopher Hart,
p69, Baseline Digital p72, Gault Mitchell Law
Mr Brenton Higson, Mr Perry Nicol, Mr David
p12, The Lighthouse Cinema Petone p41,
Sefton, Mr Nick Wilson and all the others
Trevor Mallard MP p66 and Victoria University of
There was simply too much for one person
who contributed pictures; Mrs Suzanne
Wellington p41.
to do alone, so this project required support
McGuinness for the Water Polo photos and to
from freelance designers Pip Mitchell and
InPhotography for the class, co-curricular and
Lastly, an enormous “Thank You Kindly!” to Kris
Grace Samuel, crowd-sourcing student and
staff photographs.
(my wife) and the kids for their patience with the
of the 2013 St Bernard’s College Yearbook.
seemingly endless magazine tasks that deprived
staff support, especially in photography and
them of dad throughout the “holidays”.
picture editing. A special mention of thanks
Mr Panapa Lafoa’i for facilitating the use of
to Miss Maria Fouhy for organising the Y13
his students’ artwork with their permission.
leavers’ profiles, Mrs Elsabie Prasad for
The Marist Brothers for permission to use and
Thank you to you all. Weaving together the
student contributions and proof readers Mr
adapt their logo.
threads of contributions and feedback from so
many people adds to the energy, variety and
Christopher Hart, Ms Rachel Carian and Mrs
Mrs Catherine Brennan and Jannene
interest to the magazine. Without your work this
Tomlinson (Sports Co-ordinators) and Mrs
Jean Howell for their eagle eyed checking.
would not have been possible.
Some of my Year 13 Computing students
Kay Hudson (Admin) and the submitters
contributed excellent ideas in their desktop
of articles, materials and photos - staff,
Mr Matt Harrison
published work, using Adobe InDesign and
students, coaches, managers, BOT, PFS,
TiC Digital Technologies / Computing
Photoshop. Thank you Richard Awatere,
parents and friends.
Magazine Manager
Thomas Benseman, Bayley Bouzaid and Matt
Clark. An extra thank you to Callum Bryan,
Thanks to Mr Graeme Thompson and the
Jacob Hawkins, Arama Pou and Terence Jiang
designers of Baseline Group for their advice
for their photography and patient picture
on 3D inks printing and finishing options for
the cover.