St. Augustine Legal Affairs (STALA) Issue 2 | Page 9
other toys such as dolls for
the girls and radio control
cars for the boys. We also
purchased lunch so that
we could spend part of the
day with the kids.
On the 2nd of January, students from the faculty all
car-pooled and drove from
the St. Augustine campus
to Gasparillo, after some
wrong turns along the way
we managed to arrive at the
orphanage at 12 noon, but
none of us were prepared
for the truly inspiring day
that awaited us. As soon as
we entered the orphanage
the children took some of
the students by their hand
and with the brightest of
smiles lead them into their
home to partake in their favourite games of “spoons”
and “uno”. None of us
would have guessed that
behind those smiles were
children who in some cases tha Ramsaran engaged in a
were abandoned or worse lively game of UNO filled
abused by their parents.
with “ohh’s” and “ahh’s”
and the sometimes enthuAfter the kids all introduced siastic shouts of “Uno!”
themselves, the students all from the eventual winners.
took turns in handing over We were having such a great
the gifts to the children, time that we all forgot we
their faces all lit up on dis- didn’t yet have lunch, after
covering that in each book lunch, Arlene, Shivangelie,
bag there were novels and Nikki and Janine read to
interactive games as well the younger kids as we
as sporting equipment, got ready to bade our
their appreciation showed new found friends goodin the warm embraces that bye, this turned out to be
the students who handed harder than expected and
out the gifts received from many hugs were yet again
them. The boys were the exchanged and promises
first to put their gifts to by the students to return
use as they challenged the another time to keep the
guys from the faculty to a children company. As we
small goal competition, it left, there were many long
would be nice to disclose faces, as we all wished we
the score, but it may re- could have spent more
flect badly on the foot- time in each other’s comballing prowess that is the pany. But we all left taking
Law Society football team. some very valuable lessons
The girls lead by Saman- along the way, the most im-
portant being that in a time
where we all motivated by
our own desires of success
and self actualization we
sometimes forget our lesser fortunate fellow men,
women and children, and
in a country calling for the
social fabric to be tailored
to ensure greater togetherness, initiatives such as
these should be continued
by the Law society executives of the future.