St. Augustine Legal Affairs (STALA) Issue 2 | Page 37
ing experience.
Is mooting something
you would like to contin- What advice would you
give other students who
are interested in MootI am considering taking part in ing?
mooting at the Hugh Wooding
Law School. However, at pres- A compatible partner is a neent, I am undecided.
cessity. One must be able to accept constructive criticism while
What are some of the simultaneously challenging the
benefits of taking part in other. Furthermore, proper time
the Moot Competition?
management is key because of
the demanding nature of the
I have gained much needed ex- moot.
perience in both written and
oral advocacy, which has further Any other comments?
strengthened my decision to become an advocate. I have also The skills acquired are benefihad the opportunity to interact cial regardless of one’s preferred
with noted professionals in the area of practice. Therefore, I enfield of law and Human Rights courage the Final Year students
as well as peers of varying cul- to seriously consider taking part.
tural backgrounds.
a course that is offered for the
students participating in the
What motivated you to moot competitions, it did not
partake in this compe- affect my usual workload as I
had to prepare for it as I normally would have to prepare for
I was motivated by the desire another course. Also as there is
to get some practical law ex- no written final examination
perience and develop advocacy that was one less thing to worry
skills. It seemed like a useful about during examinations.
way to apply what I was learning in lectures.
What advice would you
give other students who
Would you recommend are interested in Mootit to other students?
Yes! It is one of the only
chances that you are going to
get to practice court etiquette
at UWI, and it opens up the
doors for you to network by
meeting the top students from
other universities regionally
and internationally.
If you had to sum up the
entire experience in one
line, what would you say?
How did the preparation for the Moot Competition affect your usual Law workload?
It was a challenging but reward-
As International Mooting is
Do it! The university deserves to
the represented by its best students in order to show the world
what the St. Augustine Campus
is capable of. Don’t make excuses about being too busy and
it being too difficult because of
the workload. You would only
be robbing yourself of a once in
a lifetime experience.