St. Augustine Legal Affairs (STALA) Issue 2 | Page 34

WHITE & CASE, Phipip C, International Law Moot Competition JESSUP CUP JUSTIN DWARIKA prepare and present law orally, as compared to a written exam; Is mooting something Mooting is also a practical foyou would like to contin- rum which allows students inue? sight into the life and role of lawyers. Absolutely, because mooting has been a learning experience and If you had to sum up the a one of a kind endeavour. I entire experience in one would definitely like to build line, what would you say? on the knowledge and experience I have gained from the Jessup A competition of a lifetime competition and further develop that showcases mooting styles, myself in order to capture the culture, fun and friendship beessence of advocacy. tween and among law students throughout the world. What are some of the benefits of taking part in What advice would you the Moot Competition? give other students who are interested in MootBenefits I obtained from partici- ing? pating in mooting include; The ability to stand up and Regarding the Jessup Moot have a conversation with judges competition, interested mooters about the issues at hand through should familiarise themselves application of the requisite law; and understand international The development of the skill set law as a whole and definitenecessary to draft memorials; ly GET STARTED AS Increased self-confidence and le- SOON AS the compromis/ gal writing skills; fact pattern is released!! FinalA new perspective on law, as I ly, it is of paramount imporwas afforded the opportunity to tance that all mooters under- stand the facts. KINDA JACOB How does the Law Faculty prepare you for this? I don’t think you could ever really be prepared for an international moot, but thanks to the law faculty we were not at a complete disadvantage. We were able to get personal training from Mrs Roberts, we had a mooting seminar, an internal moot that gave us a taste of the real thing and of course a tutorial room was always made available to us for afternoon practices. Constantly reading the fact pattern and brainstorming with anyone who would listen really helped me to understand it. I saw the fact pattern in a different light every time I read it. What advice would you give other students who are interested in Mooting? A lot of students in law are ‘interested’ in mooting, but few of them actually pursue it, and my advice to them is that they stop making excuses and participate in mooting in any way they can. There is a lot to be gained from mooting and contrary to popular How did you feel when belief it would not interfere with you were in front the your school work, if anything judges? it enhances your skills in legal analysis and research which in Terrified. I wish I could say that turn helps you to get that most i wasn’t intimidated , but that sought after A . would be a lie. Any other comments? How were you able to My only comment is that even deal with and under- if you’re not successful the first stand the Fact pattern? time you moot in a competition you should keep trying and