St. Augustine Legal Affairs (STALA) Issue 2 | Page 32
Left to right:
Mr. Rajiv Sochan,
Mr. Richard Jaggasar,
Ms. Perusha Lord.
Is mooting something
you would like to continue?
Mooting was an intimidating
experience at the outset. However, after having experienced the
mooting in its entirety I can say
with great certainty that I would
like to continue with it. It was
a unique and invaluable experience.
What are some of the
benefits of taking part in
the Moot Competition?
Honestly one of the main benefits of taking part in the Moot
Competition is that it helps with
development on an individual
level. Mooting teaches you how
to improve your research skills,
how to communicate your ideas
in a better way, you learn how to
be more critical in your thinking and you also learn to how
to work with other people and
try to find common ground. In
my experience the interactions
with our lecturers outside of the
classroom was an added benefit.
Not only does their insight and
individual mooting experiences influence your own, but after
that level of interaction you view
your lecturers in a different light
than before.
Don’t pass up the opportunity to moot. If you think it is
something that you may want to
try then by all means do so. It
can only add to your growth as
a person aspiring to be a practicing attorney.
Any other comments?
If you decide to attempt mooting then do it to the best of your
ability. It shouldn’t be taken
If you had to sum up the too lightly. A great deal of exentire experience in one tra time and effort is required
line, what would you say? for you to truly benefit from the
mooting experience.
Mooting was a challenging, invaluable and very enlightening RICHARD JAGGASAR
What motivated you to
What advice would you partake in this co \]Y