St. Augustine Legal Affairs (STALA) Issue 2 | Page 30
By Lyrinda Persad
Leonardo Da Vinci once stated that learning never exhausts the mind. Mr. Hosein is a dedicated
lecturer who is prepared to impart his knowledge
with students. Students were always amazed at
his ability to recall numerous cases for any topic
in Law and Legal Systems and Constitutional law
with accuracy, fluidity and confidence.
Additionally, before exams, the group assignments or ‘wiki groups’ proved to be beneficial to
ensure readiness and provided us with opportunities to practice exam questions. The study seminars which followed these assignments greatly
assisted us as we got feedback from our lecturer
who steered us in the right direction. Punctuality and discipline were also greatly valued and instilled in us.
As students of his tutorial group, Mr. Hosein encouraged us to work diligently and provided us
with guidance and advice not only for tutorials
but for the world of work. His kindness and willingness to communicate with students extended
outside the classroom setting and into the corridors as he spoke with us if we happened to cross
By Shivash Maraj
During the year 2012/2013 Justice Nelson has
taught the courses Insurance law and Revenue
law in semesters one and two respectively. They
were both small classes which served as an added
benefit to the students who did show up. Justice
Nelson’s teaching style was one of absolute thoroughness. Almost every word he said on Revenue Law was something useful to know. In the
short time that I’ve known him, Justice Nelson
showed exceptional commitment to being a lecturer. Even though he was extremely busy due
to his duties as a judge in the Caribbean Court
of Justice, he always made time to listen to the
queries of his students. Sometimes he will spend
time after class to provide further clarification.
Justice Nelson can definitely be said to be an excellent role model.
Although he is extremely knowledgeable and experienced, he carries about himself with a great
amount of humility that reflects a bygone era, a
trait that all of us will do well to emulate. I hope,
and I’m sure that it’s a sentiment shared by my
peers, that we have further encounters with him.
I believe there is still a lot to be learnt from him.
It was indeed time well spent learning Revenue
Indeed, Mr. Hosein sought to achieve the best
Law under Justice Nelson, and the students of
results for his students as he put certain measures
the Faculty of Law could not have had a more
in place to ensure that we strive for excellence. It
thorough, experienced and patient Lecturer.
was truly a privilege to be in his classes.