there was a time I would travel and see him in St Vincent and Grenada but he is not as mobile these days .
What area of law is of particular interest to you and why ?
I have always been attracted to Companies and Company Law and I can ’ t say why but that is the area that I have spent my life really working on and practicing .
What are your thoughts on the quality of mooting at the Law Society ’ s recent competition and do you believe we have the potential to compete internationally ?
Yes I think so and that ought to be your goal and you should aim to participate in the international moots , the Jessup . I find that the one that I had actual exposure to was of a pretty high standard . I don ’ t think I was properly briefed so I didn ’ t know I was looking at a Year One and Year Two students . I couldn ’ t tell the difference !
As a lecturer , what habits have you observed are common amongst the most successful law students ?
The ability to work hard and not to be driven by the attainment of immediate wealth .
What do you feel are the greatest academic strengths of St . Augustine Law Faculty ?
They are all solid academics , some of them are older than others and I won ’ t want to single out any one in particular , but Sharon Le Gall has done very good work in Intellectual Property which she is recognized as an expert for and Dr . Arif Bulkan and Dr . Noora Arajarvi are also recognized .
What advice would you give to students aspiring to become Attorney General ?
I don ’ t think you should have an ambition to be Attorney General . It ’ s really if you do it for the right reason which is service . It ’ s not a glamour filled job . It is a huge sacrifice in terms of your earnings and personal life and it ’ s a huge and awesome responsibility to keep a multi-racial and multi-cultural society like this really on an even keel as far as the rule of law is concerned .
What do you enjoy doing in your spare time ?
I enjoy spending time with my two children .
Where do you see the St . Augustine Law Faculty in the future and what are your personal goals for this institution .
I ’ d like to see it as a respected Faculty in the University producing quality work and people writing in the best journals in the world .
Do you have any final advice to convey to the readers of this magazine ?
Intergrity , Integrity , Integrity .