St Albert Physiotherapy Ways Physiotherapy Can Help You | Page 6

Numbers Of Young Canadians Using Smartphone’s On The Rise – Alongside Neck And Back Problems • • • Physiotherapy is an integrated treatment option that is non-invasive and, in a day and time when painkiller addiction is on the rise, it offers drug-free results. The treatment’s goal is to alleviate neck muscle tension, minimize pain and restore balance by optimizing the patient’s postural abnormalities. Using a wide range of manual techniques, such as joint mobilization, neck stabilization exercise, soft tissue massage and posture training, physiotherapists have been deemed to be very effective. In such cases where the patients are youngsters with smartphone addictions, a physiotherapist will put in place a plan aimed in the first stages to reduce the pain, tension and inflammation as they are considered to be the main symptoms for which patients seek medical help. Later stages of the plan include restoring the body’s functions and strength and putting together a post-treatment routine to prevent the recurrence of the symptoms. Only by following the advice and having the mindset to make lifestyle adjustments incorporating physical activity and reducing smartphone use, patients can actually experience the best results. Meaning there is an ever- growing need for awareness firstly to avoid these occurrences in the first place and they do happen, to realize the importance physiotherapy can play in treating them.